A Lost City On The Map

Invisible it stood
To the naked eyes

Passers by felt its presence
But nothing was in sight

Amidst the quiet of the nature
Lay a city, deep inside

It wasn’t a city of mortals
Wasn’t of celestial beings either

It was a city of creatures
Of which one had never dreamt

A city where there was no sorrow
A city where only love prevailed

A city where jealousy ceased to exist
A city where only kindness sustained

For centuries it existed
Peaceful and serene

Myths have been created of this land
Stories have been told amongst mortals of its being

Many have coveted to live there
Countless have tried to proved its authenticity

But its a city that shows itself to veritable creatures
Creatures that deserve to exist in peace

To others its only a tale
A lost city, a dream

None returned to verify its gospel
Yet it existed a lost city on the map of dreams

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